George Lyons Award


George Lyons IOLTA Partnering Institution Award

George Lyons was a true champion of the Arizona IOLTA Program. He believed in the partnership between the Arizona Bar Foundation and the banks and their joint responsibilities to the community. In honor of his work and dedication to the program, the Foundation has created The George Lyons IOLTA Partnering Bank Award.

All nominees will be notified of their having met the criteria and given the opportunity to submit an application to be chosen as the George Lyons IOLTA Partner Bank for that year. The Bar Foundation Finance committee will review the applications and make the recommendation to the Foundation Board for final approve.


In order to qualify as a nominee for the award:
  1. The bank must be a current participant of the IOLTA program, meaning the Bank has a current, signed Participation Certification with the Foundation.
  2. The bank must be current with their monthly (or quarterly) remittances and reporting.
  3. The bank must be a 100% Bank, not keeping the allowed 10% fee, but donating the fees to the program for the benefit of the community.
The selection will be based upon the bank that has excelled in one or more of the following areas:
  1. Supported a school or community group to further their efforts in civic education through monetary or volunteer involvement.
  2. Supported a legal aid agency or law school clinic to further their efforts in providing legal assistance to those without the economic means to afford a private attorney.
  3. Supported one of the Foundation events or programs during the year through monetary or volunteer involvement.
  4. Supported another "access to justice" initiative that furthers the knowledge rights and responsibilities of Arizonans within the justice system.

2024 Awardee


Bell Bank

Bell Bank has become a stellar supporter of legal services and civic education in Arizona.  The institution partners with Junior Achievement of Arizona (JA), where they have built a mini-branch in JA BizTown, a program that helps train students on skills they need to participate in society and make smart academic, career and economic choices. They have also been a past sponsor of Kids Voting Arizona’s Family Activity Booklets.

Bell Bank, through financial support and meaningful volunteerism, has assisted many of our local non-profits. They are a proud sponsor and support the efforts of the William E. Morris Institute for Justice ("MIJ"). Bell Bank also became the Foundation’s first Corporate Sustaining Partner. This is an important partnership we have committed to for several years to come. Additionally, Bell Bank has been an exhibitor at the State Bar of Arizona's Annual Convention and a presenting dinner awards sponsor.

2024 Lyons Den

BOK Financial

National Bank of Arizona

Wells Fargo

2023 Awardee


BOK Financial

In 2022, BOK Financial provided over $300,000 and 3,500 volunteer hours to 52 Arizona non-profits focused on basic needs, economic development, education and United Way. Of this giving and volunteer service, 25% was focused on programs that meet the needs of underserved minority communities and helps to bridge gaps in four critical areas: Income Inequality, Workforce Development, Education and Mentoring, and Social Justice Reform. Highlights related to civic education efforts includes support for Chicano Por La Causa Community Centers, and Be A Leader's programs and workshops that support high school seniors as they apply and transition to college.

2023 Lyons Den

Bell Bank

National Bank of Arizona

Wells Fargo

2022 Awardee


Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo donated $7M and over 32,000 volunteer hours to 8,400 grants to local nonprofits, schools, and community organizations. These included Scottsdale Leadership, Valley Leadership, Valle del Sol's Hispanic Leadership Institute and State of Black Arizona through civic education. 

In 2021, Wells Fargo supported the Arizona Educational Foundation. This created the Our World Program which provides training & resources for educators who serve indigenous students. Non-native teachers effectively reached out to students to fight against racism and oppression. A total of 27 school districts & individual schools completed training with 810 individual educators. This impacted 28,350 students.

2022 Lyons Den

Arizona Federal Credit Union

BOK Financial

National Bank of Arizona

2021 Awardee


National Bank of Arizona

For National Bank of Arizona supporting the legal community is an important goal.  NBAZ offers continuing legal education classes for practicing attorneys and Elevate AZ scholarships to provide the stability needed for full-time students that attend Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.

In 2020, National Bank of Arizona associates contributed over 1,500 community volunteer hours and supported 63 charitable organizations with 25% of our associates contributing their time. As a community bank, National Bank of Arizona encourages their associates to volunteer in a way that helps to strengthen the fabric and sustainability of the communities in which the bank serves. 

NBAZ believes in giving back to their community through support, education and through volunteerism. 

2021 Lyons Den

Wells Fargo

2020 Awardee


U.S. Bank

In Arizona last year, the U.S. Bank Foundation provided $189,000 in financial aid and their employees gave more than 430 collective hours of volunteer service to local non-profits focused on creating stable jobs, safe homes and communities. Additionally, U.S. Bank provided financial support which provided scholarships to Hispanic students interested in pursuing legal careers.  US Bank supports Foundation partners like Chicanos Por La Causa, Junior Achievement of Arizona and Los Abogados.

2020 Lyons Den

National Bank of Arizona

2019 Awardee

Wells Fargo
In 2018, Wells Fargo contributed more than 5.4 million to 415 local nonprofits, schools and community organizations.  They have been a Drive Fore Justice Birdie sponsor for the 3 of the 4 years of the event.  Wells Fargo advisors serve as Trustee for Client Protection Fund which promotes administration of justice.  They have also supported Youth Day workshops on law making process, basic civics and advocacy included in the 17th annual Arizona African-American Legislative conference for 600 students.

2019 Lyons Den

BOK Financial

National Bank of Arizona

2018 Awardee

MidFirst Bank 
Through the MoneyMoments Financial Education program, MidFirst Bank has demonstrated their high regard for the importance of civic education within schools. In 2017, their Fundraising Van program supported 66 charitable organizations to help raise over $210,000. Additionally, they are a strong financial supporter of the non-profit group Arizona Women’s Education and Employment (AWEE). MidFirst Bank’s efforts are applaudable.

2018 Lyons Den

Biltmore Bank

FirstBank of Arizona

National Bank of Arizona

2017 Awardee

National Bank of Arizona
National Bank of Arizona's Elevate AZ Scholarship assists full-time students of the Sandra Day O'Connor Law School. They provide over 20 CLE classes a year at no charge to Arizona attorneys.  National Bank of Arizona supports non-profits Junior Achievement, Kids Need to Read, Upward for Children and Families, Emerge!, and the Assistance League of Phoenix.  This year, National Bank of Arizona will sponsor Drive Fore Justice for the 3rd year in a row.Through the MoneyMoments Financial Education program, MidFirst Bank has demonstrated their high regard for the importance of civic education within schools. In 2017, their Fundraising Van program supported 66 charitable organizations to help raise over $210,000. Additionally, they are a strong financial supporter of the non-profit group Arizona Women’s Education and Employment (AWEE). MidFirst Bank’s efforts are applaudable.

2017 Lyons Den

Alliance Bank of Arizona

Arizona Business Bank

Bankers Trust

MidFirst Bank

Washington Federal

2016 Awardee

Alliance Bank of Arizona 
Alliance Bank of Arizona has gone above and beyond this year in supporting not only its community, but access to justice efforts across the state. The bank works with Support of Schools to promote civic responsibility, supports Friendly House and their immigration program and is a sponsor of  Alliance has also contributed to over 300 non-profits, assisted in teaching financial literacy at Junior Achievement, and encourage employee volunteering.

2016 Lyons Den

Bankers Trust

MidFirst Bank

National Bank of Arizona

2015 Awardee

Alliance Bank of Arizona 
Alliance Bank of Arizona has gone above and beyond this year in supporting not only its community, but access to justice efforts across the state. The bank works with Support of Schools to promote civic responsibility, supports Friendly House and their immigration program and is a sponsor of  Alliance has also contributed to over 300 non-profits, assisted in teaching financial literacy at Junior Achievement, and encourage employee volunteering.

2015 Lyons Den

Bankers Trust

Biltmore Bank of Arizona

Gateway Bank

MidFirst Bank

2014 Inaugural Year Awardees*

*for our first year, we honored five awardees instead of one 

Arizona Business Bank
Through their fundraising event, Biz Bash, and their Foundation, the Arizona Business Bank has raised over $900,000 for Arizona charities. Grantees include Chrysalis, Central Arizona Shelter services, Make a Wish Foundation, New Pathways for Youth, Release the Fear, Save the Family Foundation, Teen Lifeline, UMOM and the YWCA.

Bankers Trust
Bankers Trust is committed to serving our communities. As a community bank, we encourage our employees to give back through volunteerism and in 2013 our team of 17 employees volunteered more than 200 hours. Bankers Trust is committed to financially supporting area nonprofit organizations. These include (but are not limited to): Valley of the Sun United Way, Native American Connections and Neighborhood Housing services of Phoenix.

Biltmore Bank of Arizona
The Biltmore Bank of Arizona has supported a school or community group to further their efforts in civic education through monetary or volunteer involvement. The Biltmore Bank of Arizona has also supported a legal aid agency or law school clinic to further their efforts in providing legal assistance to those without the economic means to afford a private attorney through our business partnership with the ASU Alumni Law Group.

BBVA Compass
Compass Bank′s employee involvement program supports their communities by providing volunteer opportunities and employee giving. BBVA Compass Foundation provides funding to non-profits providing community development, education, health and human services, arts and culture environment and natural resources and diversity and inclusion.

MidFirst Bank
MidFirst Bank has been a strong supporter of Arizona Women″s Education and Employment, donating thousands of dollars each year as well as offering competitive financing and board of director′s members. MidFirst also supports civic education through assistance in service learning projects and extracurricular activities. Their Fundraising Van program supported 67 charitable organizations in 2013, and helped them raise over $134,000. Through their True Corps program, employees provide volunteer support for community organizations.

Alliance Bank of Arizona has gone above and beyond this year in supporting not only its community, but access to justice efforts across the state. The bank works with Support of Schools to promote civic responsibility, supports Friendly House and their immigration program and is a sponsor of  Alliance has also contributed to over 300 non-profits, assisted in teaching financial literacy at Junior Achievement, and encourage employee volunteering.

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