Pro Bono Service Award
Awarded to recognize extraordinary contributions by an Arizona Attorney in making legal services available to persons who otherwise could not afford them, and thereby to focus public awareness on the substantial voluntary services by Arizona attorneys in this area. Renamed in 2000 to honor the memory of William E. Morris, a long-time attorney for the poor in Arizona.
Nominations are due March 1st and are to include the individual's name; firm if applicable; address & other contact information; the award for which they are being nominated and contact information of the nominators; a summary of their characteristics, experiences, and service that qualifies them for the award; and support letters from others may be included. The nomination packets should be sent to The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education, ATTN: Kevin S. Ruegg, 4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 210, Phoenix, AZ 85016 or email to
Awards Acknowledged in conjunction with the Foundation participation in the annual Arizona State Bar Convention.
Hon. James L. Conlogue started his career as a correctional officer at the Southern Arizona Correctional Release Center. He utilized the ADOC's tuition assistance program to get his MPA and eventually his JD from the University of Arizona.
After working at the Department of Navy in Washington D.C., Judge Conlogue came back to Arizona to practice law. He served as a judge pro tempore starting in 1994 and was appointed as a judge to the Cochise County Superior Court in 2007.
Since retiring, he has dedicated his time and expertise as a volunteer with Southern Arizona Legal Aid’s Volunteer Lawyers Program. His volunteer work centers around the family law clinics and classes, where he is one of the most active volunteers. In addition to his volunteer work with clients, he was appointed to the Board of Directors for Southern Arizona Legal Aid and also serves on the Advisory Committee for their Volunteer Lawyers Program.
Nancy Anger began actively volunteering with Community Legal Services Volunteer Lawyer Program after her retirement in 2017, volunteering almost every week. She was quickly respected by staff and other volunteers for her legal expertise in consumer matters, her interviewing skills and for being an effective negotiator. Ms. Anger is sought out by staff when a client interview is needed with complex facts, as she is able to quickly gain a rapport and trust, listens attentively and gains all the necessary facts needed for the case.
VLP staff describe Nancy as “always going the extra mile” as she often does far more than the brief help that is expected. She makes immediate calls to help solve problems for clients. She often agrees to investigate or advocate – sometimes helping for months. She will often follow up with clients she has advised to see how they are progressing or if they need additional help.
In 2019, Nancy assisted 88 families with legal needs and in 2020 she helped 99 clients donating over 150 hours of her time and expertise. Roni Tropper, VLP staff, stated, “Nancy always does everything she can to help a person. Even if the client might not have a strong legal claim, Nancy usually can find a way to advocate to help make the person’s life better. She is beyond compassionate and just an all-around lovely human.”
Karen Nygaard has been volunteering to assist low income individuals with civil legal issues for decades. She spent years with Southern Arizona Legal Aid’s Volunteer Lawyer Program as a highly effective volunteer advocate and demonstrated a genuine interest in helping those most in need.
When she was appointed to the Pima County Superior Court bench, she continued to assist the SALA’s VLP by joining the advisory board, leading continuing legal education seminars and helping recognize other outstanding volunteers.
She most recently became a founding member of Step Up to Justice where she serves on the board and finance/compliance work group.
Ms. Nygaard has also volunteered for many years with Child & Family Resources including being Chair of their board. She worked with the Family Law Court in Pima County to start clinics at the courthouse and assisted in revising forms to make them more comprehensible to the general public.
Karen has made volunteering and supporting access to justice a central part of her 40 year career and continues to make her expertise available to those in need.
Sesaly Stamps
Nancy Tribbensee
Lee Bennett
Denice Shepherd
Skip Skinner
Katherine McLeod
Stanley Friedman
Rob Ferrier
Ben Smith
David Sanderson
Dean Christoffel
Debra Hill
Cary Inabinet
Tom Roberts
Scott Gan
David Engelman
Pamela Liberty
Alyce Pennington
Luis Ochoa
Steven Cox
Wayne Yehling
Stephen Anderson
& Roy Petty
& Michael McGrath
Christina Urias
Philip (Jay) McCarthy, Jr.
Michael J. Tucker
Dianne C. Kerns (Sole Practitioner)
Robert E. Miles
Hon. Robert W. Pickrell (Sole Practitioner)
Thomas M. Ryan
Rev. David A. Meyers
Lawrence A. Hammond
Nancy M. Coomer
John A. Greene
William T. Birmingham
Ted F. Warner
4201 N 24 STREET
STE. 210